Of course, you want to assume that your insurance company has your best interests at heart. However, insurance companies prioritize profit and often want to pay you as little as possible. If your insurance company blames you for a vehicle accident, you need fierce legal protection to protect your rights.
The Role of Insurance Companies After a Car Accident
There is a whirlwind of issues you need to deal with after experiencing a collision on the road. Often, the incident is far from over, even after you’ve gotten yourself to safety. You might feel like you’re drowning in expensive medical bills or repair costs and have nowhere to turn. This is where insurance companies are supposed to come in but frequently don’t.
If you’re a car owner, you’re legally required to have auto insurance. In the unfortunate event that you get into an accident when you’re behind the wheel, you have to contact your insurance immediately to let them know what happened. The United States is divided between fault and no-fault states. If you live in a no-fault state, your insurance company will be the one that pays for significant damages, and fault will not be a primary factor in determining your payout. However, if you live in an at-fault state like Georgia, the insurance companies of both drivers will investigate who was to blame for the accident.
Everything can happen in the blink of an eye on the road, and often, the actions of more than one person cause a problem. For example, maybe one driver ran a red light, and a speeding drunk driver hit them. In this case, you might see that some fault is assigned to each person, but one more than the other. If you’re found to be responsible for less than 50%, you’re entitled to a payout from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
Why Would I Get Blamed?
The person who is at fault for the accident might try to cover up what they did or reduce their punishment by getting you to admit blame. Their insurance company might also encourage you to admit fault or try to claim that you were at fault so that they can reduce the amount they have to pay you. Don’t be intimidated by this. If you’re sure that you were not at fault or played a very small role in what happened, follow the advice below.
What to Do if You’re Blamed for an Accident
If you’re blamed for a car accident, you might be understandably panicking about what to do. However, if you protect your rights and have the right lawyer at your side, you can fight for the compensation you’re entitled to.
- Never Say You’re at Fault: If you believe that someone else was at fault for the accident, but they or someone from their insurance company tries to get you to admit blame, don’t. You should stand your ground and not say anything until you have legal assistance to help you thoroughly examine the evidence and defend your claim.
- Contact a Lawyer: While a tense legal situation might seem overwhelming when you’re recovering from a car accident, hiring a lawyer is the best decision you can make to reduce the stress during this time. Your attorney can look into all the evidence from the incident and work hard to prove that you are not to blame.
We Can Help
At Lamar Law Office, LLC, we’ve seen many faultless clients be blamed by insurance companies. We know exactly how to help in this situation and are ready to fight for you. Get in touch with us today to get the help you need.